The Dutch National Database Flora and Fauna (NDFF) is the data warehouse construction that contains the distribution data of plants and animals in the Netherlands. Its main components are: data entry portal(s), a central archive, validation service and data export portal(s). In the Netherlands vast amounts of data on the whereabouts of species over the last century have been gathered and stored. However it is scattered among different organizations, in different formats and not always digitally available. The National Database Flora and Fauna (NDFF) has been built to make distribution data of (flora and fauna) species available through one National Data Warehouse. All data entering the NDFF are validated using a quality filter on input. Data that are approved will flow through to the central archive and the export portals. At the moment the NDFF contains over 100 million records that are supplemented on a daily basis by over 20.000 volunteers, including members of species organizations (like Sovon, De Vlinderstichting, RAVON and other voluntary and professional observers).